
Even a diamond should be carefully designed and cut.


Now  EU-01 also has a updated version  --- EU-01_MKII !



EuLeit  Audio Studio ( ELAS ) makes only Hi-End audio amp Modules.


2010 EU-01_MKII very low noise version 


 EU-01 v1.1

2006 EU-01_v1.1

   EuLeit Ultima-PRE amp EU-01 HOLCO version1.1


2010 new EU-01_MKII circuit main structure


ULTIMA series Amps'  Common Schematic Structure

2006 EU-01_v1.1 circuit main structure


 DZ ULTIMA-PRE Balanced Pre-Amp

2006 Ultima-Pre Dale version1.1


In 2004, mtlin12 licenced to DZ the ULTIMA-PRE Balanced Preamp Modules as

above. Each channel includes two ULTIMA amp Modules with MOS Voltage

Shunt Regulator on a PCB, uses DALE resistors RIFA PHE450 capacitors and

4 ultra low noise Linear Integrated System's Dual JFET LS-844.


Now EuLeit Audio will support the same PCB, for Unbalanced stereo MODE ,

but use well-matched JFETs,  HOLCO resistors instead of using DALEs and

limited volume handicraft only for better  performance.


You can just add a good quality stepped attenuator, a transformer and a case

to become an ultra low noise, hi-end quality audio pre-amplifier.

 Of  course you can also use PGA2320 remote volume control kit, an input signal

select module and a case to become a remote controlled he-end audio preamp.


 In 2003, mtlin12 designed and made the ULTIMA-1 150W MOSFET Power Amp , which used the same

Amplifier Structure as all other ULTIMA series amps like DB-01 ULTIMA-01 PRE , ULTIMA-Power and

ULTIMA-NGFB except ULTIMA-0dB Power Diamond Buffer  ( 0dB means no voltage amplitude ).


ULTIMA's Leitmotiv :